They say that creativity dies in a vacuum, and there’s some truth to that, in that if you are left alone to toil in artistic solitude, eventually everything gets sucked out and there’s nothing to replace it. Creative people do best when they’ve got some other creative people to bounce ideas off of, brainstorm with, collaborate with, and share their passions with.

While I’ve got a few friends, none of them are artists. Many of them are creative, but its not really the same. So I want to hang out with other local artists, in the flesh, particularly those who are doing their own webcomics and manga (or are at least interested in that scene) so that I can keep myself fresh and motivated, and help colaborate, share techniques, share inspirations, and generally bounce cool ideas with, and also network with. I want to get involved, but I’m an adult, with a real life who can’t get into Vancouver on a weekday because I work in friggin Abbotsford during normal business hours.

So, long story short, here’s the deal. I’d like to start some kind of monthly webcomic/comic artist meetup on a weekend in Langley or Surrey, BC (thats in canada folks..). Might be a coffee shop or food court for the first little while until I get a sense of who’s interested.  I know most of the people who read this on the Brymstone site won’t be from Canada, let alone the lower mainland, but if you are a comic/webcomic/anime/manga artist (or wanna be one), please shoot me an email. I’m even cool with just meeting one or two people, I don’t necessarily want it to be huge. I just want to hang out with some like minded folks who can get excited about drawing comics/manga/anime.

Ideally I’d like to meet people who are ALREADY doing comics on some level, but I’m alright with artists who WANT to do comics/manga/webcomics but maybe haven’t been able to get started yet for some reason. I want meet people of all ages, so please, if you are an older anime/comic artist person I’m VERY interested in hanging out. Don’t feel intimidated! (I’m in the 30+ range, so beware.)

If you are interested email me at shadowsmyst at gmail dot com with where you’d prefer to meet, langley or surrey and which day, saturday or sunday would be best for you.

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