I bet you never expected to see this. 😛
Although don’t get too excited yet. I’m going to try to get once a week updates going again for Fridays. I’ve rescheduled my class I teach to mondays so I’ll have tues/wed/thurs to get the pages done. There may be some break with color if I can’t get the color done, or only base shades or something. But I DO want to make sure this gets going on again.
I did have some comics left over at the end of last convention season and they can be ordered through my store at evilspacecat.com. Its pretty much chapter one, re-lettered and tweeked a little. Although the last page contains Darshe’s full real name. XD I’m completely redrawing chapter 2 for the next issue, but its far from done. I don’t intend to update the site with the new artwork though, as it will be formatted from the get go for print, and I don’t really want to reformat it twice. So if you want to see the new art, you’ll have to order a copy.
If you want notifications of when I do post updates, I post on Facebook, Twitter, G+, and of course on Deviantart. You can also subscribe to the RSS feed if you use RSS.
Yay! Good to see this back! I’m happy with anything! 🙂
8) Don’t worry, I’d bet my Shades of Firstness from Jefbot that this comic will live.
(Glad to see you no longer feel like a zombie).
Slightly less undead, yes. Hopefully less pressure now I’ve gotten through the squeeze.
Great to see this comic alive again 🙂
Curious to see how this continues…
if you need to, either set up for a once every two week schedule (less pressure on you), or perhaps go on hiatus to build up a buffer of several weeks worth of comics. Brymstone has a great storyline and artwork, and i’m sure the fans will be content to wait, if that’s what needs to be done.
P.S. Awesome job so far, keep up the wonderful work!
I say it alot myself, the internet is full of other webcomics to distract us while you do what you do Shadow.
killer… i happened to look this up on a whim after that hiatus way back when and i have to say, i am THRILLED and HAPPY that both Darshe and Shadowsmyst continue to live – kudos to you!!
Hey, Shadow. Just checking in, are you all right?
I’m alive, just. Crawling out from under a mountain of sucktastic life stuff. I’ll post a real news update soon.
Just checking, I like to make sure authors in my favorites list are doing ok.
It’s been almost a year and no updates why is that huh?
Are there any updates?
Hey, Shadow. Just checking in to let you know I still beleive you’ll update. Stay strong! b ^.^ d
hi hope there will be an update someday,
nice story by the way
Yo, Shadow. I hope you’re doing well IRL. I started college last Fall and am planning on becoming a history professor. I still believe you’ll update again one day, till then, stay awesome!
Hey, Shadow. If you still look at your page, I hope my comments find you well. I want you to know that you’re still one of the comics on my favorites list. Hope you’re doing well. 🙂
Thats it..? What the fuck.
You make a lot of excuses. Enflame the passion,my friend. If not I will steal this storyexcept it will have beteer art and story. Get on it. Lololjk, but come on.
Thought I’d let you know I still poke my head in every now and again. Much love, AF.
I seriously appreciate you Anime fan, checking in. You rock. Your patience will be rewarded, I promise.
Shadow! Oh, man, it’s so good to hear from you! Hugging my monitor right now. 🙂
As I’m likely going to be neck deep in relatives on Christmas day and not able to say it then, Merry Christmas, Shadow. It may not be the best present you’ve ever gotten, but here’s a link to a story that I write on Wattpad. Please enjoy: http://www.wattpad.com/story/3161519-the-lost-brother
It’s a tad late, but, happy new year, Shadow.
Just want to echo with Anime Fan. I keep coming back to your site weekly knowing you’ll get back and going. I’ve been following your story for about 18 months and am hooked to see where you go with it next!
Seriously, you guys are awesome. Your patience will be rewarded!
Kittygirl? Lol, okay.
So, teaching history kinda deflated. But, I’ve learned how to smith knives and that’s neat. 🙂 I’m thinking I might make a /stab/ lmao. At physical therapy, always need more of those.
Smithing is cool! I wish I could do that. XD I love fancy knives.
I make a working man’s knives. Simple, almost impossible to break, and perfectly balanced. Although, I did make a big one and then polished it until I could see myself in the blade. But, that’s more of a show piece, there are no buffalo here for me to use it on. :p
Hey, Shadow. Can you tell Darshe to cut it out with this heat, it’s insufferable. Ha ha, you’re doing well I hope?
Meant to post Friday… Hope you had great fun lighting things on fire for Independence Day! Be well.
Hey, Shadow. Checking in again. Lesse, I turned 20, got a puppy, oh, and I went to the beach last week so that was fun. The puppy is presently trying to chew on the corner of my laptop. Stoppit, Maddie!
Just checking in. I keep this comic in my favorites and check it for updates every now and then. Looking forward to more of the journey.
Happy Thanks Giving, Shadow. Maddie says hello.
Happy Thanksgiving
Sweet heavenly knickerbockers it’s cold. Is there a way to safely sit inside the fire in the stove? Because if there is, I’m going in. Oh yes, happy new year, Shadow, hope to see you back again this year.
Happy St Patricks day. Hope Rowan is wearing green today
Happy Easter… Rowan, get away from that ham before I decide to bake you too.
Hey, Gniknam. What do you think would happen if the Lasel’s had put Darshe in a girl? Although it looks like all the kids were boys. Before Darshe nuked ’em that is.
Hello hello, pleasurable read, Ms. Tary. Eager for more when you have the opportunity.
Hey, Shadow. Thought I’d check in. Fall classes started a couple weeks ago. Unfortunately, my anatomy class got dropped because a teacher quit, which is a pain in the ass. But on the upside, I got my very own anvil a couple days ago. It’s a heavy sucker.
God, it’s cold. Happy new year, Shadow. Ask Darshe to do something about this cold? It’s murder on my sinuses.
Happy Thanksgiving, Shadow. Hope you’re doing well.
Ack! Just when a mystery popps up the comic dies. I hope you’re doing well and maybe we’ll get lucky and see the return of our favorite walking explosion!