Well if you didn’t hear, we didn’t win the TGT webcomic’s contest (we only lost by TWO votes! Bummer!), although I still have the one wallpaper to do, so I’ll hopefully be finishing that up tomorrow (for the love of god I want to finish SO BAD). But a BIG thank you to everyone who voted and continues to support and read Brymstone despite my dismal ability to keep an update schedule at the moment.
The next page is already drawn and mostly colored. I have to still do base shades for it, but hopefully that will get done. I’ve also got prep to do for a class on Adobe photoshop I’m teaching. Hopefully I’ll be posting videos a little more over at my youtube site for basic stuff, but you can see some I’ve already posted here on the Brymstone site under ‘extras –> Videos’,
If you are also itching for new updates, or at least previews of new pages. *eyeballs those who were bellyaching for updates* You can come and view my Ustream. I’m probably going to have to shift the night to Thursdays as my classes will be on Wed nights till 9, which is the start time of the usual show. But i do usually record my videos so you can check em out, and oh my god, they are actually on a schedule that I keep. Here’s my Ustream channel. Follow meh!
I also post to twitter when I’m going to Ustream, so if you follow me, you’ll get a nifty notification. 🙂 I also usually post when I update. Its normally Friday, but sometimes thursday.. still working on that whole, regular day thing.. hell trying to work on regular week thing. 😛 I actually didn’t do THAT bad in August.. only missed one week. I’m already failing here in Sept. 😛 Oh well.
There’s also been some site updates, still working on a few things. I’ve upgraded the site to using the new comicpress 2.8 theme and did some graphic fixy so it looks alright. The calendar in the side will eventually hold a monthly wallpaper. Hopefully. I know its dismally empty right now, but fill is coming. I’m also working on some ideas for new site features as well as possibly a donor’s section. If there’s something you’d like to see there, lemme know.
Hi! Your “semi-rant” on deviantART got to me, so I’ll leave you a comment. I really like this comic, even though you don’t update it consistantly (I understand that it’s quite difficuly), so I don’t comment even though you stop updating for a while. So now I’ll invert the rule you’ve described and tell you, I really like this comic, love how you draw, the story is very interesting and the magic “system” that you use seems very good to me.
So, that’s it. Love your comic. Please continue to update it!
I know I don’t update regularly, and I’d like to, honest! Its just hard. >.< despite dedicating a full night to it, I just can't get drawing and coloring done in the same night. *sighs* Thank you though, so much for commenting and letting me know what you think. I really REALLY appreciate it.
Love it. This is seriously funny shit, and its got an awesome setting and plot. I so wish you could update every day but i understand the utter impossibility of that. Your artwork showed a drastic improvement and it wasn’t too bad to start, I can only imagine it gets better.
Im already addicted.
Keep it up!